There is no doubt about it—birds are incredible creatures. They soar through the skies, perch on our railings, and bounce about in our yards, picking up seeds from the ground. You don't have to be a bird-watcher to appreciate these wonderful animals. However, there are certain birds that can cause some trouble in our San Diego County service area. When they do, residents contact a professional for bird control services to get them to stop causing misery. We'll call these "pest birds" because they tend to pester us.

What can you do about pest birds in San Diego County? Today, we'll share some tips and tricks to help you put out the unwelcome mat for these uniquely troublesome birds. We'll also share some helpful facts every resident should have locked-n-loaded when it comes to dealing with bird problems.

If you need assistance with pest birds on your San Diego County property and are here looking for professional service, we can help with that, too. Not only do we share pest control information through our blog posts, but we're also your local area bird control experts. Contact your HomeShield Pest Control team for an effective solution to your bird troubles. We're here to help.

Recognizing The Signs: How To Tell if You Have A Pest Bird Problem

We don't know your specific situation regarding pest birds. You may already have birds coming out of your ears, and you don't need tips to help you figure out whether or not you have a problem. But you might be on the other side of the spectrum. You may not know if you have a bird problem, and you don't want to wait until you're dealing with the fallout of a bird infestation. In either case, it is helpful to know the signs. If you have a bird problem, you can zero in on where those birds are nesting or roosting. That can make bird control easier. If you don't know if you have a bird problem, the following tips will help you find out:

  • Follow The Droppings: Pest bird droppings are often white, with a bit of other tannish colors mixed in. You may notice droppings on one side of a structure. If you do, the birds are likely entering and exiting somewhere on that side.

  • Find The Damage: Birds will peck and scratch to reach nesting locations. They commonly damage soffits and rooflines, so that is a good place to check first.

  • Look For Nesting Materials: Birds collect sticks and other natural debris to create their nests. If you notice this debris on a ledge or on the ground next to your home, it indicates that birds are bringing material indoors.

  • Listen For The Sounds: Birds make a variety of sounds. You might hear them singing or chirping. You may notice a squawk or the flapping of wings. They may coo or scratch. They'll also create a unique alarm noise when threatened. If you're able to get close enough to a roost or nest, you may hear pecking or tapping.

When you locate the trouble, the next step is to consider a plan to evacuate the birds and keep birds from entering the space. While we make recommendations to prevent bird problems, it is best to contact a licensed professional if birds are already roosting or nesting. Contact HomeShield Pest Control for professional bird control in San Diego County for assistance. Let's quickly look at why we deem professional help necessary.

a pigeon on a windowsil

The Risks Involved With DIY Bird Removal

At HomeShield Pest Control, we are more about making happy customers, not money. It has been our core philosophy since we started in 2009. If bird control were something you could do yourself, we would tell you how. But there are challenges that aren't easy to navigate. There are also risks. Here are just a few factors to consider:

  • Bird control measures are often installed on roofs or in high locations. Climbing ladders and walking around on roofs can lead to a serious injury. Ladders wiggle, and roofs are often slippery.

  • Pest control technicians are insured. While accidents are rare, insurance covers professionals for any accidents on the job site. That means you're not left holding the hospital bills.

  • Accidents aren't just costly; they're painful. When someone else takes the risks, you don't have to.

  • When walking around on a roof, damage can occur if you're not careful. An experienced technician is familiar with the potential vulnerabilities of your roof. And if something happens, your technician is insured.

When you hire a professional, you remove the risk of personal injury and property damage. You also get experienced installation of any bird control solution. Far too often, we see incomplete or ineffective work done and homeowners regretting the money and time they spent. When you need bird control products applied, please get in touch with a licensed professional.

Tips To Prevent Pest Birds On Your Property

Birds can select your property for no reason other than the fact that it's just sitting there waiting for them to use, but this is rarely the case. Most often, birds find a reason to use a property. There are certain conditions that attract them. If you can figure out what is going on inside a bird's head, you can alter conditions that can lead to a bird problem.

  • Remove Bird Feeders: Feeders will attract all kinds of birds to your property, including pigeons, starlings, swallows, and other pest birds.

  • Cover Trash Receptacles: Pest birds are often pests because they've taken to eating human food out of dumpsters, bins, cans, and receptacles. Covering your trash will keep smells contained and keep birds out.

  • Don't Overfill: If a trash bag doesn't fully fit inside your receptacles, it can prop the cover open, and birds can easily peck at your trash. They may decide to move onto your property if they find an easy meal.

  • Consider Pet Food: If you feed your dog or cat outdoors, pest birds may take notice. We recommend setting a mealtime or feeding your pets indoors only.

  • Protect Compost: Pest birds aren't picky; well, they're picky but not selective of what they eat. Sure, they pick at their food, but they don't mind eating food that is in a state of decay. Make sure your compost is in a protected space if you have compost.

  • Sanitation: If you have an outdoor eating area, make sure to clean up when you finish. Pest birds will want to live on a property with available leftovers.

  • Entry Points: Pest birds have long used structural cavities as nesting locations. If they see an opportunity to peck, claw, and squeeze their way into your home, they just might. Seal the tiniest openings to remove the incentive to access protected nesting spaces, like an eave or soffit.

  • Address Standing Water: Birds drink water. If there are sources of water for the birds, they may want to stay and live on your property. Clean your gutters, pick up toys, and remove other objects that collect rainwater.

These all-natural bird management methods can have a big impact on pest birds. If you're diligent, you may never need to contact a professional. But, some properties have more trouble with birds than others. Or you may have a situation where you have to have zero tolerance for birds. When more control is needed, it is time to use bird control methods for deterrence.

Expert Methods That Work: Call Us For All Your Bird Control Needs

You don't have to wait until birds get out of hand; bird pest control measures can help prevent trouble proactively. When you contact a bird control expert for bird deterrents, here are a few of the products you can expect them to use:

  • Bird Spikes: These metal spikes stick up from surfaces to scare birds away and prevent roosting.

  • Bird Wire: These create uneven surfaces so birds can't easily land and roost.

  • Bird Netting: When you have a structural cavity or a void that needs protection, netting can get the job done.

  • Bird Slopes: Sometimes, the simplest solution to keep birds from roosting is to apply slopes so they cannot cling to ledges. They just slide off.

If you're in San Diego County and need ledge or roof bird control, contact HomeShield Pest Control to learn about the deterrents we use to manage pest bird pressures in our service area. We'll inspect your property, speak with you about your bird concerns, and guide you toward the best fit for your needs and budget.

It is easy to get started. Call, text, or connect with us through our contact page to schedule service or learn about the pricing of our bird control services in San Diego County. We look forward to helping you find the perfect solution and gently letting birds know they're not welcome on your property. Reach out to us today; we look forward to hearing from you.