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How To Get Rid Of A Wasp Nest On Your Los Angeles County Property


It’s a plus to have a wide yard. You can have tent parties for friends, romantic picnics, or choose to relax with a book while you sunbathe. As a business owner in Los Angeles County, you could host events designed to attract partners and customers. The problem is that you’ll have to contend with flying pests, such as wasps.

Wasps, also known as stinging insects, are very difficult to combat. You can’t manipulate their natural outdoor habitat. There are great risks associated with these bugs, as many carry venom. Possible physical reactions to it run the gamut and may require hospitalization. Learn how to ward off wasps and get rid of their nests with HomeShield Pest Control.

What Wasps Are Common In Los Angeles County? What Are The Risks?

Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets and paper wasps are prevailing in the area. Bald-faced hornets have narrow and black bodies with white markings. In terms of size, they are 0.75 of an inch long. Since they are related to paper wasps and yellow jackets, they aren’t classified as hornets technically. They make aerial enclosed cocoons that are grayish. Most often, they’ll be hanging from roof eaves, poles, trees, and the like. When they strike, they do it as a group and put out large quantities of venom.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are brown, with yellow splotches and black wings. They are around 1 inch long. What sets them apart from visually similar bees are their slight and elongated frames. Akin to their bald-faced family members, they form nests under roof eaves and other sheltered spaces. For example, door frames, window sills, and structural gaps. If you ever see one, don’t doubt that you have an infestation.

An open door or window or foundation void will be a passageway for an intruding paper wasp. To make a home for themselves, they’ll meld plant material together with their saliva. It will be papery once it’s dry. It will also be very dense, keeping the interiors from being transparent. You might think of an umbrella, due to the shape. Sometimes these bugs are called “umbrella wasps”. Their nesting practices distinguish them from pests like them.

Three more useful facts about wasps are:

  1. Their feeding and pollination habits contribute to environmental stability.

  2. Their stings lead to pain, skin inflammation, and allergic responses. Given their ability to hit multiple times, intense bodily reactions that necessitate medical care can occur.

  3. Their lifecycle consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

How Can You Prevent Los Angeles County Wasps?

Supervising nature isn’t an option, but doing so with your land is. If you put effort into completing these exterior tasks, you’ll reduce the chances of an encounter with a swarm of buzzing wasps by:

  • Cutting the grass and trimming the greenery regularly. Fill holes in the ground and remove organic debris from the yard.

  • Don’t overplant flowers.

  • Using plants with repellent properties for gardens, such as eucalyptus and citronella.

  • Sitting greenery at least two feet away from the property.

  • Regularly washing out vents and gutters.

  • Placing garbage in secure, airtight containers.

  • Having roof eaves and patios that are neat.

  • Avoid leaving food on porches and decks.

  • Contacting HomeShield Pest Control if you have critters wasps consume.

What Will HomeShield Pest Control Do About Wasps?

Folks often assume they can handle wasps on their own. They believe they can knock down a nest with a broom or spray the bugs with a pesticide. In lots of cases, this will aggravate the insects and get you hurt. Even if a cocoon seems empty, get professional assistance from us at HomeShield Pest Control. Our skilled technicians will apply safe, eco-friendly pest control treatments that won’t damage vegetation. We offer residential and commercial pest control services and a free estimate. Give us a ring today!