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Are Pigeons Taking Over Your Home In The Sacramento Region?


Waking up to the sound of birdsong can be a delightful start to the day, but dealing with birds' nesting damage around your home isn't exactly an enjoyable spring or summer activity. Pest birds such as pigeons can also be hazardous to your health, so bird control for pigeons on your property is a must-have for this season. When it comes to bird control, it can be a struggle to find reliable pest control in the Sacramento Region, but we'll give you all the tools and tips you need for preventative bird control and the best way to control bird populations in your yard this year

Where Do Birds Like To Build Their Nests?

Typically, birds don't create too many problems for homeowners in their daily lives, but pest birds such as pigeons have learned that homes and properties provide food and stable living conditions. Pest companies that handle bird pest control in the Sacramento Region  find pigeons nesting on or within:

  • Rooftops
  • Gutters and eaves
  • Windowsills
  • Tool sheds
  • Outdoor play structures
  • Attics
  • Chimneys
  • Wall voids
  • Ventilation systems
  • A/C units
  • Trees and bushes

How Do I Know If I Have A Bird Problem On My Property?

Birds aren't particularly stealthy when they infest homes and properties, so identifying evidence of pigeons can be pretty easy. The most common proof of a bird problem is the chirping and scratching sounds they make within roofs, walls, and attics. Other identifying factors of a bird infestation include localized bird droppings, large congregations of birds on your property, damaged plants in your garden, property damage, a strong unpleasant odor, and the presence of other pests such as fleas, ticks, mites, and a sizable population of flies. 

The reason bird control for pigeons is so essential is that they spread diseases and cause a tremendous amount of property damage. Pest birds will mess with electrical wiring and roof shingles while preparing their nests, and their excrement and feathers can clog gutters, filters, and chimneys. Bird droppings are also incredibly corrosive and carry over 60 different pathogens.

How Do I Keep Pigeons From Nesting On The Roof Of My Home?

Homes attract pigeons by just existing, but there are other seemingly innocuous things we do around our properties that attract pigeons as well, such as promoting healthy lawn growth and maintaining outdoor garden areas. You don't have to compromise your outdoor aesthetic for pest prevention. With the help of reliable pest control in the Sacramento Region, there are plenty of DIY bird prevention methods you can implement on your own:

  • Add wind chimes to your outdoor décor – noisy decorations scare birds away.
  • Securely fasten lids to all outdoor trash cans.
  • Clean up outside eating and cooking areas.
  • Keep your gutters clean and free of debris.
  • Construct a mesh overlay for fruit and vegetable gardens, and harvest regularly to reduce their food sources.
  • Only feed birds in parks and public spaces – remove any bird feeders around your property.

Why Do I Need Pest Control For Birds?

Pest birds such as pigeons can be hazardous to your health and property, so you should never tolerate an infestation. They're also aggressively protective of their nests and will attack if they feel threatened, so DIY bird control is just as dangerous as an infestation. Bird pest control for your Sacramento Region home is essential to your health and safety, though, and the best way to control birds in your yard is with the help of our pest experts at HomeShield Pest Control.

We offer a wide array of services for bird control, including prevention, removal, and post-removal cleanup services. We use high-quality products and the safest methods in all of our treatments, so you don't have to worry about pest control that's just as hazardous to your health as the pests we remove. If you're struggling with a bird infestation, don't wait to get in contact with us to start discussing your options.