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Is DIY Mosquito Control Worth The Hassle In Vero Beach?


Mosquitoes are known for being buzzing insects that can transmit life-threatening illnesses and parasites through their itchy and painful bites. If your property has been invaded by mosquitoes, now is the time to learn if mosquitoes prefer a certain blood type, get educated on the infectious diseases mosquitoes can spread like malaria and West Nile virus, and understand why DIY mosquito control falls short and often allows an infestation to grow bigger. If mosquitoes are disrupting your time outdoors and inflicting painful bites on members of your household, HomeShield Pest Control provides pest control in Vero Beach you can rely on to eliminate them safely year-round.

Mosquitoes Prefer A Certain Blood Type

As strange as it sounds, the blood type that attracts mosquitoes the most has been found to be type O. That being said, there are other reasons why mosquitoes might be attracted to you even if you have a different blood type. Mosquitoes are also attracted to certain colors, body heat, carbon dioxide (which we exhale when we breathe), alcohol consumption, and certain perfumes as well. If you tend to suffer from mosquito bites, it is important that you learn about the diseases mosquitoes can spread, as some of them can be life-threatening.

The Infectious Diseases Mosquitoes Can Spread

The list of diseases caused by mosquitoes includes:

  • West Nile virus: One of the main causes of mosquito-borne illnesses, West Nile virus can cause anything from fever and skin rash to paralysis and coma.
  • Zika virus: Zika virus can cause red eyes and muscle pain as well as birth defects, among other symptoms.
  • Malaria: Malaria is caused by a parasite, and manifests itself with flu-like symptoms that can lead to death.
  • Dengue fever: This very painful illness is not generally life-threatening, but it can be if it progresses to dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Mosquitoes are the leading cause of animal-related deaths in humans, killing over one million people every year around the globe. If you have them in your yard, it is crucial that you do not waste time on DIY mosquito control techniques.

Why DIY Mosquito Control Falls Short

Do-it-yourself mosquito control techniques fall short because they will rarely address the entire infestation, allowing it to grow bigger exponentially. Mosquitoes are pests that reproduce very quickly, as their life cycle from egg to mature adult takes 10 days or less, and each female mosquito can lay around 300 eggs during its lifespan of about a month. To be effective, DIY mosquito control methods would need to exterminate mosquitoes even during the egg stages; otherwise, a new infestation will start again soon after they hatch. Also, applying professional treatments yourself can be dangerous if done incorrectly. The best way to control mosquitoes is to rely on the services of a professional pest control company that can treat an infestation and prevent it from coming back even during the high season.

The Experts To Know For Quality Mosquito Control

If you are struggling with mosquitoes, do not waste time and let the infestation grow bigger. At HomeShield Pest Control, we proudly provide mosquito control in Vero Beach to protect you from painful bites and dangerous diseases. Contact us today to request your free quote and schedule a home inspection. Our licensed technicians have the expertise needed to determine why mosquitoes took over your property, show you how to deter them naturally and effectively, and devise a treatment plan that will last for weeks, including natural ways to get rid of mosquitoes you can use in between treatments.

Mosquitoes are parasitic pests that have no place in your yard. With the proper control methods, we can rid your yard of mosquitoes safely and for good.