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What Can I Do About Flea Infestations In My Orange County Home?


Fleas are tiny insects that can cause huge problems in your home. These little bugs are so small they can roam out in the open without being detected. They could even be on your clothing or your pet’s fur right now without you realizing it. 

Their minuscule size not only allows them to hide in almost any crevice but also makes them challenging to eliminate once they invade your home. At HomeShield Pest Control, we have an entire team of highly-trained Orange County flea exterminators who know how to keep these dangerous and annoying pests out of your home.

Why Do I Have Fleas In My Home? 

You often find fleas in yards with tall grass, plenty of vegetation, or a lot of debris and other objects they can hide under. Usually, fleas are accidentally brought into the home. These little insects are always on the lookout for a blood host. When a pet or another animal gets near them, the flea will jump on the animal and hitch a ride back to its home. 

Once the fleas are in your home, they can hide in your upholstery, between the carpet fibers, and inside other objects around your house. While hiding in your home, they can reproduce rapidly, which is why flea infestations develop so quickly. 

If you notice new bug bites on your skin every day or you see tiny black bugs around your home, you need to call a professional flea exterminator as soon as possible to prevent a severe infestation in your house. 

I’ve Treated My Pets, Why Won’t The Fleas Go Away?

Fleas might hitch a ride on your pets, but not all of them will spend their entire time on your pets. Once they have entered your home, they can infest your furniture, bed, carpet, and other areas. To get rid of fleas, you must treat every area of your home, not just your pets. 

At HomeShield Pest Control, we offer a wide range of flea treatments. We also use a combination of different flea control techniques to ensure every flea is eliminated at every stage of life. We also provide customized prevention plans to keep these bugs from coming back. 

How Can I Prevent Fleas In My House?

To keep fleas out of your house, you need to use a combination of different strategies. Some of the most effective prevention methods include:

  • Mow your yard often and remove any debris from your yard. 

  • Vacuum your carpets and furniture often.

  • Use flea prevention treatments on your pets all year long. 

  • Seal any small crack or gap around your home. Be sure to pay special attention to the area around your doors and windows. 

Other pests, like mice, are also known to bring fleas into homes. If you have a rodent problem or another pest infestation, make sure to take care of the problem immediately. If you need help identifying the cause of your flea infestation, consult a flea removal service soon. 

What’s The Best Way To Get Rid Of Fleas In My House?

If you have fleas in your home, getting an experienced exterminator for fleas is the best way to quickly and permanently eliminate them.

If you want to eliminate fleas in your Orange County home for good, call our HomeShield Pest Control experts today. We work one-on-one with every one of our customers to devise the most effective elimination plan guaranteed to offer long-term protection.