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What To Do About Voles In Your Garden In Vero Beach


Protecting your lawn from pests like voles can be challenging once they take over. They will eat through your greenery until there is very little left. Read on to learn to recognize the signs of a vole problem, understand the damage these invaders can cause in your garden, and find out how to identify and remove the factors that attract them. If you are struggling with an infestation, HomeShield Pest Control provides pest control in Vero Beach to make your lawn pest-free again for good.

Signs You Have A Vole Problem

Voles in Vero Beach are known for causing damage to many plants and even some trees. Here are some signs that you may have a vole problem:

  • You see tunnels: You can see tunnels as raised ridges on the surface of your law, usually near the base of plants, sometimes with several entry and exit points.
  • You notice chewed plants: Voles feed on everything from the roots and bulbs to the stems. You will inevitably see growth damage to trees, shrubs, and more.
  • You find droppings: If you see small, pellet-like droppings in and around tunnels, they are a strong sign of a vole infestation.
  • There is reduced plant growth: If your plants are not growing as well as they should be, it could be of voles damaging their roots.

Do you suspect that you have a vole problem? If so, read on to discover the extent of the damage voles can cause in your garden and the best way to control voles year-round.

The Damage Voles Can Cause In Your Garden

Voles can cause significant damage to gardens and lawns, and things can worsen in the winter when other food sources are scarce.

First, because they feed on the whole plant, they can cause them to wither and die eventually. Voles will also create extensive lawn tunnels and runways, damaging roots, leaving unsightly bare patches, and increasing weed growth.

These lawn pests can also chew tree bark, dig up and eat bulbs, and more. Preventing further damage is crucial if you suspect a vole problem in your garden. The following will show you how to identify and remove the factors that attract them.

How To Identify And Remove Factors That Attract Voles

Identifying and removing factors that attract voles is essential to an effective vole control strategy. Here are some steps you can take today to deter lawn pests:

  • Remove ground cover: Dense areas full of weeds, tall grass, or dense shrubs are magnets for moles. Remove them to eliminate nesting and hiding spots.
  • Clear away debris: Piles of leaves, brush, and other debris make great hiding spots. Take the time to remove them regularly throughout the seasons. 
  • Store firewood off the ground: Voles may take up residence in firewood piles. Keep them off the ground and away from the structure of your home.
  • Consider installing barriers: Obstacles around garden beds or other areas where you want to prevent voles from entering can be an effective way to keep them out.
  • Reduce moisture: Moles favor moist soil. Improving drainage or watering less can be helpful.

Controlling voles means eliminating the factors that attract them to make your yard and garden less hospitable to these rodents. Still, this may not always be enough. If you need additional help, HomeShield Pest Control has the tools and experience to remove them safely. 

The Key To Total Vole Control For Your Yard

The key to total vole control for your yard is to remove the factors that attract these pests in the first place and rely on professional techniques when more is needed.

At HomeShield Pest Control, we will defend your lawn with a unique baiting formula, carbon monoxide treatments, and natural vole control strategies like Integrated Pest Management methods to prevent reinfestations.

Contact us today to find out how to control voles on your property year-round.