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Why Professional Pest Control Is A Smart Choice For Your Los Angeles County Business


Some things in life are simple and can be learned with minimal effort such as making cereal, driving, and washing dishes. Other things are much more difficult to master and are better left in the hands of a professional; things such as fixing the engine in a car, welding on top of a phone tower, or flying a plane. As a local business owner, you are committed to providing a professional service to your clients. Part of providing the best products or services possible is keeping pests out of your business buildings. This is best done by hiring another professional, one who knows what pests cause trouble in Los Angeles and has invested his or her time, energy, and resources in providing the best protection possible to local home and business owners. Here are some more reasons you need professional pest control and why you should consider hiring HomeShield Pest Control for all of your needs.

Pests Ruin Reputations

As a business owner, you understand how important maintaining an image is. With the internet in everyone’s pockets and review sites a few buttons away, people are quick to share their experiences. If your business regularly has trouble with pests like roaches, flies, and rodents and your clientele finds out, they may be quick to bring it to the web. For restaurants and other establishments that have to meet certain health and safety requirements to stay in business, keeping pests out is even more important.

Pests Destroy Property

Another way pests cause problems for local business owners is by destroying property. Of course, there are several levels to this problem. Some pests stain drapes, carpets, and fabrics. Others chew large holes through walls, rip up insulation, and shred paper. Cockroaches, in particular, will eat just about anything. This includes the glue found in books, paper, fabrics, and even toenail clippings. The worst destructive pests are termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-destroying pests. Termites alone cost Americans over five billion dollars each year and could easily create thousands of dollars in repair costs that you have to pay for, out of pocket, to save your business.

Pests Are Dangerous

The worst pests are those that pose a threat to people. Insects like wasps and bees threaten people with their painful stingers. Cockroaches, fleas, ticks, rodents, and certain ants contaminate food and spread disease. Many pests trigger asthma attacks and allergies with their skin and fecal droppings. These types of pests are especially problematic for business owners that serve food and drinks as it only takes one contaminated batch to get people very sick.

How Pests Get Into Businesses

The worst pests are those that pose a threat to people. Insects like wasps and bees threaten people with their painful stingers. Cockroaches, fleas, ticks, rodents, and certain ants contaminate food and spread disease. Many pests trigger asthma attacks and allergies with their skin and fecal droppings. These types of pests are especially problematic for business owners that serve food and drinks as it only takes one contaminated batch to get people very sick.

Why You Need Professional Pest Control In Los Angeles County, CA

At HomeShield Pest Control, we put great effort into making pests our problem. We provide high-quality commercial pest control services so that business owners like you can operate and not have to worry about pests. With advanced control solutions and industrial-grade products, we will give your property everything it needs to fight back against a wide range of pests.

Give our team a call today to discuss options for your Los Angeles business property and discover an amazing solution to your pest problems.