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Your Ultimate Guide To Bird Control And Prevention In Los Angeles County


When nuisance birds invade your property, they can cause significant problems, and getting rid of them isn’t as easy as you might think. Several products are sold over the counter to deter birds, like plastic snakes and scare balloons, but they typically only work for a short period. If you are having trouble with birds around your residential or commercial property, this guide is for you.

We’ll start by describing the most common birds that cause trouble in our area and review the risks they pose to your property and health. We’ll also provide tips to help you deter these pests in the future. Continue reading to learn how to achieve effective bird control in Los Angeles County with the pros from HomeShield Pest Control.

Common Pest Birds: How To Identify The Culprit Invading Your Property

The most common pest birds in Los Angeles County are pigeons and European starlings, and each has distinct characteristics that can help you tell them apart. Pigeons grow to 11 inches long and are usually gray with a whitish rump, have a broad black band across the tail feathers, and two black bars on their wing feathers.

European starlings are typically smaller, growing between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 inches long. These birds are dark in color, but if you get close, you can see light speckles on their wings, and their beaks go from yellow to tan or gray as it gets colder outside. If you need assistance identifying or removing problem birds, contact us today at HomeShield Pest Control.

Property Damage And Health Risks: Consequences Of A Bird Infestation

When pest birds invade, they can cause several issues, endangering people and property. Here are some of the many risks of having these pests around:

  • Bird droppings can cause slip-and-fall accidents, creating a severe liability.

  • Pigeons and European starlings spread illnesses like histoplasmosis, encephalitis, salmonellosis, and food poisoning.

  • They often carry parasites that can harm people, like fleas, ticks, mites, and lice.

  • Their acidic waste can damage buildings, stone, and metal on buildings.

  • They can also damage the roof, air conditioning units, electrical equipment, and ventilation systems.

The sooner you get rid of these troublesome birds, the better. Contact us today at HomeShield Pest Control for assistance controlling birds and protecting your property.

Proactive Steps For Bird Deterrence: Practical Tips To Prevent Birds

Prevention is the most effective bird control method available. Certain factors on your property may attract these pests, including access to food, water, and shelter. Here are some practical tips to deter pest birds around your home or business:

  • Avoid leaving pet food and water dishes outside.

  • Keep outdoor eating areas clean, and ensure trash cans have secure lids.

  • Ensure your gutters are clear to eliminate standing water.

  • Consider removing static water features and bird baths.

  • Fill in any holes on the exterior that can allow them to enter the structure.

The pros at HomeShield Pest Control offer expert bird control services in Los Angeles County to eliminate these pests and prevent future problems. Contact us today with any questions about our services or to learn more about our options.

Sound Solutions For Bird Control: Expert Services You Can Count On

Because of the risks these pests pose, it is best to take action at the first sign of a problem. HomeShield Pest Control provides bird control near you to keep these pests away from your property. Contact us today to learn more about our residential and commercial bird control services or to schedule an inspection.