Although most of the spiders you’ll encounter in your Orange County home aren’t dangerous to people, that doesn’t mean they’re welcome – or that they won’t bite. Here’s what local residents should know about the types of spiders you may find in your Orange County home, how you can prevent them, and the most effective spider control tips for keeping them out.

a cellar spider in a living room

Types Of Spiders In Orange County, CA

For Orange County residents, you’re most likely to encounter the same four types of spiders in your home, such as: 

  • Orb-weaver spiders: While they’re harmless to humans, orb-weaver spiders do enjoy spinning intricate, orb-shaped webs to catch their pest prey.
  • Cellar spiders: The long legs of a cellar spider may be intimidating, but their bite won’t harm humans, and they prefer to live in dark, secluded areas.
  • Brown widow spiders: With similar markings as black widows, brown widows have tan coloring with lighter stripes on their bodies. Although this species isn’t likely to bite humans, their bite can be dangerous. 
  • Black widow spiders: Known as the most venomous spider in the country, black widows are usually recognized by the red, hourglass-shaped marking on their abdomens.

Whether you’re dealing with cellar spiders or black widows, most spiders enter our homes for the same reason: they’re following insects and other pest prey. Spiders aren’t interested in human food, but if you’ve got another pest problem in your home, they may be attracted to your house.

Eight Spider Control Tips

Good spider control means preventing spider infestations before they begin – here are eight tips for keeping everything from orb-weaver to brown widow spiders away from your home.

Tip 1: Proper Food & Trash Storage

To deter pest prey that spiders may follow into your home, it’s important to make sure you’re properly storing your food and trash. This means keeping leftovers and other food in airtight containers, sealing your trash cans correctly, and not letting dirty dishes sit overnight.

Tip 2: Declutter Your Home

Spiders prefer homes that have lots of places to hide – cluttered storage areas or piles of clothes on the floor can all serve as potential hiding spots for these critters, so it’s always a good idea to make sure you’re decluttering your home on a regular basis. 

Tip 3: Sweep Away Webs

If you notice spider webs around your home – like in secluded corners or along other fixtures – you can use a broom or vacuum to sweep them away and disrupt the spider’s home. 

Tip 4: Deal With Moisture Issues

Spiders may not care for a ton of excess moisture, but their pest prey does. Leaky faucets or other plumbing problems can all draw in bugs and other insects – as well as the spiders attracted to them. As soon as you notice a moisture problem in your home, you’ll want to deal with it.

Tip 5: Seal Off Potential Entry-Points

Like any pest, spiders need a way to get into your home. Cracks and crevices along walls or the foundation can all serve as potential entry points. Using a sealant like caulk or foam insulation can block off these access points. 

Tip 6: Clear Yard Debris

In some cases, spiders may congregate on your property and eventually find their way inside by hiding inside yard debris. Like any other clutter, yard debris can serve as a secluded hiding spot for a lot of spiders. It’s crucial to clear yard debris regularly and inspect any items before you bring them inside.

Tip 7: Store Firewood Away From The Home

Many spiders, especially species like the brown widow or black widow, favor firewood and woodpiles as hiding spots. Keeping firewood several feet away from your house can deter these pests from finding their way inside – and like yard debris, it’s always a good idea to inspect wood before it’s brought inside.

Tip 8: Use Professional Help

While the tips above can help deter spider problems before they happen, they aren’t always enough to combat existing spider infestations – especially if you’re dealing with a dangerous species like the black widow.

The most crucial spider control tip is to keep an ongoing professional relationship with a pest control company like HomeShield Pest Control. If you’re spotting spiders around your home or suspect that you may be dealing with a dangerous type of spider, there’s no reason to wait. Contact us at HomeShield Pest Control today for more information about our spider control program and how we can help.