Before we get started, we'd like to congratulate you if you've identified termites. These insects, though very well known, are often overlooked, even when they do appear. It is possible to pick up a dead branch with hundreds of termites in it and not realize it.

A termite worker can be a mere ? of an inch in size. In the brief moment you have a chance to see these tiny, pale insects, they can disappear into wood or soil and return to being a hidden part of your Orange County property. But, how bad is it to have termites on your property? It's easy to think that they're not much of a problem because they're so small. This is perhaps the biggest danger of all. Termites don't total a home overnight; it takes years. The secret to protecting your property is to not let termites go untreated.

close up of a termite on an orange county property

The Root Of The Problem

It might be hard for you to believe that an insect that is ? of an inch could present any real threat to your property. This is one of many misconceptions you might have. You're not alone. A lot of people have misconceptions about termites. Let's address a few of them.

One Little Termite Isn't So Bad

One tiny worker termite isn't going to threaten your property, but you don't have just one tiny worker termite in your yard. A single termite colony can have thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even a million worker termites. If you find a few termites in your yard, you can be sure that there are a lot more termites in your yard.

Termites Prefer Rotting Wood

Yes. If you've found termites under a piece of wood, they are likely to be subterranean termites, and subterranean termites prefer rotting wood. This can lead you to believe that they won't attack your home because you don't have any rotting wood in your home. Unfortunately, this is not the case—probably on both counts. You could have wood that has been moistened by water without realizing it (which can lead to wood rot), and subterranean termites will take to eating wood that is not rotten as their populations grow.

Termites Don't Eat Hardwood

Subterranean termites don't eat hardwood and, as we pointed out, they are the most destructive termites in Orange County. But they can eat the wood of your back deck. They can eat your fence. They can get into your home and eat the subflooring underneath hardwood floors. There are many softwood choices for these insects to eat.

Termites Cause Damage That I'll See

If they're subterranean termites, don't count on it. By the time you see subterranean termite damage, the damage is likely to be extensive. On the other hand, drywood termites can cause damage that you'll see. This is one reason why drywood termites can't compete with subterranean termites in terms of how much damage they can do to a home. Each year, the damage caused by subterranean termites is in the billions. The cost of all other termite damage, including damage caused by drywood termites, is in the hundreds of millions.

Termite Nests Create Swarmers That Are Easy To See

If you have hundreds of swarmers released from a termite nest in your home, they're going to be hard to miss. But termite swarmers don't want to be inside your home. They want to go outside, mate with other termites, and create new nests. And, this is what they usually do.

When they're released outside, they'll find mates within thirty minutes and settle in to create nests. This happens fast. Oftentimes, the only warning sign that a swarm has emerged and dispersed is the appearance of shed wings on the ground and in spider webs on the property. Along with this, termite swarmers are a terrible way to find out that you have a termite infestation. A termite nest doesn't begin producing swarmers for years—that's years that they'll have to damage your Orange County home before you ever see swarmers.

The Right Solution For Termites

We can't tell you home much damage termites will be able to do to your home before you detect them. There are many factors that can't be calculated. All we can tell you for sure is that termite damage can be prevented. If your home has professional termite protection in place, termites won't be allowed to feed on the wood of your property for years, right under your nose.

If you'd like to know how the team here at HomeShield Pest Control safeguards Orange County homes from termite damage, we'd love to have the conversation with you. Reach out to us today and schedule a meeting with one of our certified and knowledgeable professionals. We're here to help you find the right solutions to all your Orange County pest control needs. Get started today!