When mice or rats get into your Los Angeles County home and explore your attic spaces, they can leave quite a mess. Once you've paid a professional to get rid of your rodent problem and to perform exclusions to prevent rodents from getting in, how important is it to clean your attic space and replace your insulation? That's what we're going to take a look at today.

mouse on a tree stump

Breaking Down The Science

Scientists that study rodent behavior have discovered that mice and rats have some amazing talents. One that has been difficult to track, until recently, are the neural mechanisms associated with olfactory-driven behaviors and multisensory navigation. Yes, that's a mouthful. What scientists can now do is study how mice and rats use their other senses to compensate for their poor eyesight.

Have you ever wondered how rodents get around in the dark? It can seem like they have some kind of night vision. But this is not the case. They use their whiskers to feel the floors and the walls. They use their hearing as a sonar system. Most importantly, they use their noses to spatially map out their environments. Not only do they use their noses to navigate, they lock onto smells that are associated with food sources. How does this relate to dirty attic insulation? We're glad you asked.

Rodents leave droplets of urine as they explore. This is sometimes referred to as "marking their territory," but it is so much more than this. Rodents use their urine and feces to easily navigate spaces that are completely dark. Recent studies have used virtual reality to better pinpoint what sense mice and rats are using to navigate their surroundings. When these animals are offered an open space where all of the walls and obstacles are only in the virtual space of a computer, they're able to navigate the virtual environment by using the smells in the real-world environment. It is actually quite amazing. Unfortunately, this reliance on their sense of smell can bring them into your attic spaces if you don't have your insulation replaced after correcting a rodent infestation. Mice and rats prefer to be in odor-rich environments and are attracted to spaces that have already been occupied by other rodents.

Our Approach To Rodent Control

The scientists here at HomeShield Pest Control don't just put traps down and remove rodents from structures in Los Angeles County; they use a multi-pronged process to stop the cycle of infestation. This process almost always includes the replacement of attic insulation. It may also include:

  • Professional inspection — The information gathered in a rodent control evaluation is key to setting up the right strategy for rodent control.
  • Rodent trapping — There are many products that can be used during rodent management, trapping is one of the most trusted. While not a complete answer by itself, tamper-resistant traps that are properly deployed will work to effectively cull rodent populations and help to monitor rodent activity.
  • Habitat modifications — There are many reasons rodents may be exploring the exterior of your property. Your technician will evaluate conducive conditions, such as stacks of scrap wood or dense landscape vegetation, and will work with you to alter the environment so that it is less attractive to rodents. This works to reduce rodent activity and prevent unwanted entry.
  • Sanitation — Mice and rats are drawn to the scent of decaying food. Your technician will inform you of any sanitation issues that may be inspiring rodents to come onto your property, close your exterior walls, or to take up residence inside.
  • The sealing of potential entry points — Your technician can work to seal holes, gaps, and cracks. Rodents are able to chew their way into your home, but most often it is tiny openings that bring them inside. Rodents are drawn to tight spaces and they like to squeeze into holes. While a rodent can chew through caulking material, they won't think to do so. They don't know what's on the other side.
  • Fortification of vulnerable points — Rodents like to chew on rotting wood and certain building materials. It may be necessary to use metal flashing or hardware cloth to strengthen points of interest.
  • Attic cleaning and disinfecting. Removing attic insulation is only one part of the attic-cleaning process — When a thorough job is done, you won't have to worry about rodents smelling your attic and gnawing through building materials to get into that space.
  • Ongoing rodent monitoring — It is often necessary to perform routine inspections and to collect essential data to make sure a rodent infestation has been corrected.

Get Rid Of Los Angeles County Rodents For Good

If you've had it with mice or rats, reach out to HomeShield Pest Control. We do more than remove unwanted rodents from Los Angeles County properties. We offer a long-term solution so that you don't have to keep throwing good money after bad to solve rodent issues. Connect with us today.