Although most ants are considered nuisance pests, having them in your San Diego home is never fun. For local residents, you’ll need to be on the lookout for four types of ants.

carpenter ants destroying the wood in a house

Argentine Ants

As one of the most common species you’ll encounter in San Diego, Argentine ants tend to be small – no more than a sixteenth of an inch long – and are attracted to sweets and moisture sources. 

Odorous House Ants

Similar to Argentine ants, odorous house ants are after the sweets you’ve got sitting out in your home. Most people can recognize this species by the rotten, musty odor they release when they’re squashed. 

Fire Ants

While you’re less likely to encounter them than Argentine ants, fire ants are one of the less friendly species. These pests aren’t afraid to sting, and some say they pack a punch that’s more painful than a bee sting. 

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants can be another big problem for San Diego homeowners. While they’re also interested in your sweets, they will chew through the structural wood of your home to create nests and cause significant damage. 

Whether you’re dealing with odorous house ants or carpenter ants, these pests are never a pleasant sight for San Diego homeowners. Here’s what you should know about what attracts ants to your home, how to prevent them despite their tiny size, and the best way to deal with an existing ant problem around your house.

What Attracts Ants & How Do They Get Inside?

Ants enter your home for the same reason that a lot of other pests do – they’re looking for food and water. These critters aren’t shy about hunting for food or any other debris that you’ve left behind. This includes everything from sweets and meats to pet food left inside your dog’s food bowl.

Ants are also attracted to sources of moisture, especially standing water, so if you’ve got a leaky faucet, damp clothes, or other moist items lying around your home, you could be drawing ants in. Empty cans of soda that may only have a few drops left could even serve as a source of sugar for odorous house ants or Argentine ants that are on the hunt.

When it comes to getting inside your home, ants don’t need a lot of wiggle room to climb in. Most of the time, these pests enter through tiny cracks and crevices located near the foundation of your home, walls, or floors. In some cases, they may use tiny tears in window or door screens to get inside if their colony is nearby.

How To Prevent Ants

Given how small they are, ants are one of the trickiest pests to prevent since they don’t need a lot of space to squeeze through. And, if the infestation is small, you may not notice just a few ants around your home.

As troublesome as they are, there are a couple of things you can do to avoid attracting ants into your home, such as:

  • Don’t leave food sitting out. If you leave food out too long, ants will smell it and take advantage. To avoid this, be sure to keep your leftovers and other food in airtight or plastic containers, including pet food.
  • Store your trash properly. Even trash can draw ants in, so you’ll want to keep garbage bins sealed and empty them as soon as they’re full.
  • Deal with excess moisture. Excess moisture, like plumbing problems or damp rags and clothes, can all serve as sources of water for ants. Deal with excess moisture issues as soon as you notice them.
  • Seal off cracks and crevices. Ants need a way to get inside, and the best way to block their access is by using a sealant like caulk to seal cracks and crevices near the foundation of your home.

How To Deal With An Ant Infestation In San Diego, CA

They may feel like a nuisance, but ants are a lot more trouble than they seem – especially when it comes to getting rid of them. The best way to deal with an ant infestation in San Diego is by leaving the legwork up to the residential pest control professionals here at HomeShield Pest Control.

If you’re spotting ants around your home, there’s no reason to wait for the problem to get worse. Contact us at HomeShield Pest Control today for more information about how our ant control services work and what we can do to help.